Business Guides and Tips

Zoom Fatigue: What It is and How to Beat It

Written by Fundid | January 19, 2021

When the news of COVID-19 hit mainstream media earlier last year, we thought it would pass within a short time. However, it soon became clear that it would change how we work and live. Because of this, businesses quickly adopted the work from home (WFO) model. In 2021, virtual meetings through Zoom are now what we call “the new normal.” This means we will have the Zoom meetings in the future, even if COVID-19 were to be contained. In comes Zoom fatigue. What is Zoom fatigue, and how do we combat it?

What is Zoom Fatigue?

You have heard about this relatively new term before. Right? Well, it explains the drain you feel from attending meetings via video calls. Some have even experienced it without knowing. Before Zoom, you used to appear in-person, and there was pretty time to prepare and switch from one meeting or location to another. Nowadays, you're online and glued to the screen, which may extend for hours, especially if you have a couple of virtual meetings to attend that day.

Another possible cause of Zoom fatigue is how information is processed by our brain when on video. For instance, you need to stare intently into the camera to show you're actually paying attention. The constant gaze makes us feel uncomfortable and tired as you fear being misinterpreted or misjudged by others due to looks or attention.

To be competitive as a woman business owner, you need to find a way to defeat this kind of fatigue. Here, we discuss some of the tried ways to beat Zoom fatigue.

Tips to Beat Zoom Fatigue

1. Do Away with the Self-View Feature

The ability to continuously see ourselves on the screen while in a meeting is still new to us. For example, look back and count how many times you had to look at yourself in the mirror when you used to attend in-person meetings? Looking at ourselves causes us to feel anxious. Part of this is because we worry how we look or sound, or even when we realize a change in lighting.

Before the meeting, look at yourself in the camera to make sure everything is set up according to personal preferences. Then turn off the camera when the meeting starts, and you'll have fewer worries during and after the meeting. If you're the speaker, you'll

focus more on delivering rather than other people's perceptions when the self-view is off.

2. Multitasking is Costly

Women entrepreneurs can be tempted to do more than one thing when on a video call. However, studies are clear that trying this significantly reduces performance. Switching the brain from the call to check that Slack message, SMS, or email can lead to Zoom fatigue. Avoid it by closing the tabs currently not in use and keeping your phone away. By dodging these distractions, you'll feel satisfied that the meeting was important as you'll have grasped or delivered as much as possible.

3. Take Breaks

Successful entrepreneurswant to get things done and keep it moving. As WFO continues, the line separating home and work is becoming even blurrier. Having more than one virtual meeting can be exhausting. Especially with department members, employees, colleagues in your women's entrepreneur network, etc. But what’s worse is falling to the temptation of scheduling the remote meetings in succession to get through the day quicker. Thus, causing Zoom fatigue showing up even earlier.

To battle Zoom fatigue, schedule breaks between the virtual interactions. Take time off the room to move your body and allow fresh blood flow. Consider taking a walk outside to change the scenery, which is mind-refreshing and allows fresh air intake.

4. Be Flexible

Our guess is that the other people you're remotely meeting with are also experiencing the drain. You can use other options if possible or if the communication to be passed doesn't necessarily need video call. This is especially possible when you've control of the meeting, such as those involving your employees or women business groups. Use Slack or email instead or reschedule the appointment if need be.